041 : 022 Quest For The Hyper Trophy S4E1

We have been mixing and matching certain sessions together to have an overall effect. It started by accident and then kind of became a thing. I will post them all as separate sessions but note that we planned them to be done sequentially. The first thing to note is that when combining sessions for an overall effect, you should have a deep history of training to help you make adjustments. I want our hypertrophy work to translate into capacity more directly. And I want the capacity work to amplify the signal of muscle growth. The first day does this by establishing some initial growth signal —think classic body-building structure. The session the next day may use similar movement patterns to target the same areas but the signal will be based more on a breathing limitation. I think if you just try this and see how you feel on the third day, you’ll know exactly what we are going after.


5 rounds NFT

10cal Bike

10x Walking lunge

10x Single-leg Deadlift

Start empty, add weight each round

2x5 hip and knee CARs

PAIL/RAIL Internal Rotation

5min Third World Squat, every 20 sec do 1x squat, every minute add 1x rep


4x13 Front Squats on a wedge or with an elevated heel. Work up to heavy and then use straight sets. Aim to be heavy enough that you almost can’t complete them all as front squats, and if you have to, finish them as back squats

Rest as needed


10-20x single leg hip extension

10x Banded Clam Shells (lying in a side plank position use a light band and externally rotate your top leg)


041 : 023 Strength Endurance +


041 : 021 FYF