041 : 021 FYF

Generally speaking, if I have any kind of injury, I usually back away from intense training because the fatigue it produces makes it harder to recover from nagging things. But this Friday with a tweaked ankle and hip from BJJ, I still had a need to see some top-end work. I think because of the injuries I had to plan something that didn’t compromise any more issues. This usually means bike work and movements that include limbs that are not affected. What comes out of it is unusually hard sessions. Constraints narrow your focus. They simplify what should be done, and they promote creativity. When so often the excuse is “ I don’t have enough equipment, space, ability.” The answer should be “good.” This was done in a team format but easily could translate to a potent individual session (listed below). It is long enough you have to think about a realistic number of pushups that you can do without negatively affecting your performance. Split between 3 people, that is 400 cals each if you can get somewhere between 20-30 cals per effort, you will end up doing somewhere around 150-200 push-ups.


in teams of three,

1200cal bike erg for time. At every transition, each player will start their own ladder of pushups, starting with 1x rep and progressing by 1x rep each transition.


TMB, Sam, Aron: 46’27”

Lucas, Peepers, Tom: 55’22”

as an individual:

1 min on 2 min off, 400 cals for time, start your ladder of push-ups and do them during your “rest”


041 : 022 Quest For The Hyper Trophy S4E1


041 : 020 Complexus XIV