041 : 015 Quest For The Hyper Trophy Week III

I don’t know how other people are taking this, but I’m feeling the first plateau of this progression. Physically this means the lifting starts to feel pretty good, and by good I mean that it doesn’t totally wreck me. This is both a positive and negative aspect. Accommodation is the hardest feature of training to deal with. It is what enables you to be efficient but it is also what stagnates you and eventually leads to maladaptations. Picture this: an older gentleman in the corner of a big box gym that has probably changed its brand and been bought out more times than this guy has updated his style of leather fanny pack, string tank top, and cut-offs. This fellow has well-developed musculature that only comes from years of training, but he is achy, and aging, and has not tried anything new past “what worked for him” in 10 + years. He trains “hard” and scoffs at people who come in and out of the orbit of his gym, recognizing that most people never change and it is due to their inability to commit and be consistent. Other than what training does for this man’s mental health and identity, he is wasting his time. Once an activity feels good, it is almost useless for continued physical development, and eventually, the physical stress starts to break down the balance of the body. The theme we hit on this week is finding ways to rewrite discomfort so that you can continue to do the hard thing, the hard thing being most likely what you don’t want to do because it is uncomfortable. This goes for training as much as it does for dieting. Our exercises are going to start switching and getting more complex because we are adapting and we need novel stress, so expect difficult shifts and continue to ask yourself what you want out of this progression.

Sessions 2 and 3 are on 041 : 017 and 041 : 019


2x5 Hip/knee CARs


KB swing/ Squat


4-6-8 Front Squat/Back Squat/Back Step Lunge (use a wedge to keep the focus on the quads)

3 sets, rest as needed


10x Reverse Squat (lie on your back with a band attached to both feet and to a rig, then pull your knees to your chest.)

10x Banded Hip Abduction

10x Banded Hamstring Curl

10x Spanish Squat


041 : 016 Capacity


041 : 014 FYF