041 : 014 FYF

We haven’t hit a hard IWT in some time, so this was actually new for most people. The point of most IWT structures is to preload the cardiovascular work so that it is heavy enough to leave you taxed. The way to look at this is to lift heavy enough and with enough reps that the preloading takes roughly 45-60 sec of constant work. Then simply chase it with your favorite — or least favorite — machine or movement. I picked non-traditional movements just to see how they worked, I don’t think I would do the lateral ball throw again, but I liked the body over-box variations. The only rule I had was that you had to beat your previous round in calories or reps. This is less of a punishment and more of an incentive to simply pay attention.


10x Devil Press @ 35/50 DBs

2min Bike for calories

2 rounds, rest 2min between

10x D-Ball and body over box

2min Ski or Row for calories

2 rounds, 2min rest between

30m D-Ball Lateral Throw

2min Burpee

2 rounds, 2min rest between


041 : 015 Quest For The Hyper Trophy Week III


041 : 013 fan bike inoculation