This is a continuation - in spirit anyway - of the air dyne inoculation. The sensation here is less about pacing and more about driving the pedals under different levels of fatigue, as well as coping with an effort that is between 10-15 minutes of pretty grimy work. 


CARs, pistols, step-ups, walking lunges, etc. 

pace work

30 seconds at the desired 10-minute AD pace, 30 seconds rest, 6 rounds


100x lunges on each leg

every :90 (starting at :00) player must execute a 5-calorie AD sprint


10:00 team sled push – high handles/low handles

(one length per player, wait at the other end and push back when its your turn again, sled should never stop moving)


After a little warmup and pacing work, the workout is pretty basic (and simple to adjust) when the timer starts everyone sprints for 5 calories and then starts chipping away at their lunges. every :90 seconds the timer will go off and it’s back to a 5 cal sprint, this continues until the individual has accumulated 200 total lunges (100 on each leg) this set of numbers worked perfectly for the group I was training, but this can easily be adjusted by adding weight to the lunges (more fatigue accumulation) adjusting the calorie count, adjusting the turnaround time, adjusting total lunges, or instituting a “mercy” time cap (15 or 20 minutes) in a group setting I usually will adjust the calorie goal first and the total rep number second so everyone can share an experience with the least amount of visible division. I am slightly curious to do it with a : 60-second turnaround because it would end up being very small bites at the apple, and “ if I keep this pace only 20 more rounds” is a pretty rough place to be. Like I said, the structure as written was a good dose for the group I had, but there is a little room to play with this one. 

For the team sled push, we had 5 so it makes for a smooth extension of the desired leg movement and intensity, but allows rest. If you are doing it alone one 30m push (or 15m, or 10m) and a walk down and back of the sled track will actually be a pretty good way to handle it.


041 : 017 Strength Endurance (push)


041 : 015 Quest For The Hyper Trophy Week III