040 : 019 Zone 2 + odd object

On one of the latest “Fitness is fucked” podcast discussions either Kegan or Micheal referred to good zone 2 work as “this sucks, but it isn’t getting any worse” – I really liked that line as an instruction, a descriptor of the experience we are trying to cultivate. I actually really liked this session and I think the message came across well.


5:00 Accelerating Air Bike

rest ~ 2:00

5:00 accelerating Air Bike starting at the average pace of the first round

work to heavy 5x odd object squat (we used D-balls)


2:00 each 


step-ups (unweighted)

2x odd object squat + 10m carry (repeating for the entire time)

4 rounds


AMRAP 11:00

5x curl ups 

4x reverse curl

3x vertical reach

2x 360º situps

:15 seconds hollow body hold


For the accelerating AB, start at a recovery pace, end at a dead sprint. Never slow down. Try to accelerate evenly for the entire time. For the second round start at the average wattage (or rpm) from round 1, and play by the same rules. This is one of my favorite structures for getting people used to answering their own questions about what pace they should be holding for any workout. 

The work portion was prefaced by the quote that inspired the workout: this should suck but never get any worse. As written, it’s 24 minutes, each piece should be approached with the entire duration in mind. The change in implements helps avoid some of the mental burnout and keeps the struggle mostly physical. For the squat + carry portion, we used the big d-balls so the squats were all bear-hugged, but for the carries, I suggested a shoulder position. It made it easier to pace well and avoided the need to drop the ball (and the fallout from feeling like you “quit”) 

This also will be really simple to scale, I will probably do it again next week with either 3 minutes per movement or 5 rounds (or both) 

The finisher is a little ab cluster. I have also seen the “curl up” called a hat setup or heel touch. Lying on the ground with your knees bent and heels flat on the floor, try and touch your bottom rib to your pelvis. it’s the beginning of a setup, that’s it. The reverse curl is holding your knees directly above your hip sockets and trying to use your abdominal wall to pull your pelvis up to meet your bottom rib. For the vertical reach, try and have your legs perpendicular to the ground (stretching towards the ceiling), and try and reach up and touch your heels. The 360º sit-up is basically a “dead bug” but trying to rotate like a top. 11:00 of this is a long time, but it did what I wanted it to. 


040 : 020 Strength endurance + asses & hams


040 : 018 Space Race Prep