040 : 018 Space Race Prep

Not everyone enjoys intervals, if you’ve done them previously for any length of time they can become monotonous. However, with The Space Race looming it’s probably a good idea to get a little more familiar with the air bike. I wanted a way to dampen the session a bit by working during the rest periods so that we could work on clearing acidity and regulating heart rate. I found as this session went on I started to feel stronger and my breathing recovered faster. 


10-8-6-4-2 (minutes on the bike)
*5min box step-ups 20” as your “rest” after each interval. 


The workout begins on the bike completing a 10-minute effort at a challenging pace, but a pace you feel you can build upon as the session goes on. After each interval, you will complete 5 minutes of box step-ups to a 20” box at a recovery pace. There is no prize for most step-ups completed so make sure you maintain a pace that feels like you can manage your HR and flush out the legs. After you complete the 5 minutes of step-ups you will begin in on the 8-minute bike effort. This flow continues on decreasing the intervals by 2 minutes every time, always completing 5 minutes or step-ups after each interval, to include the 2-minute effort. The workout ends on step-ups. 


KND - avg pace 424 watts (585 total cals)
Lucas - avg pace 345 watts (450 total cals)
Sam - avg pace 345 watts (450 ish total cals)


040 : 019 Zone 2 + odd object


040 : 017 Complexus X