040 : 020 Strength endurance + asses & hams

Sam and I teamed up to make this session. It was a cool dynamic given that I’m very new to this profession and he’s been doing it for a while but we are both adapting to the style of training at the Space. 

This one absolutely torched our asses and hamstrings, which was the goal but damn. Sensations will vary depending on how deep you want go with this one but I’d say don’t be afraid to go heavy on the meat portion, it gets gnarly but worth the ride. 

The confusing movement for this session will be the dynamic overload for the hip. I’ll get a demo clip for this but essentially mirror the sensation of the dynamic overload for the shoulder but now for the hip. It’s a little tricky getting the right positioning but this definitely got the feeling I was looking for. 


Dynamic Track, 10m of each movement 

Alt Kick+SLDL+Lunge

Evolve crawl 

3rd world + Cossack

Duck Walk 

 3x5 Hip and Knee Cars

PAIL/RAIL internal rotation hip 

Dynamic PreFatigue

Dynamic Overload Hip ~5 each side 

10 total internal rotation squats (5 on each side) 

:30/30 March Variation/3rd World Hold 


4-5 Rounds NFT 

10 weighted jumping squats 

Oscillating hamstring curl eccentric, max time under tension on each side 

20 total weighted jumping lunges 

20m weighted duck walk 


The player will start the session with a dynamic track warmup. The player will do each sequence once for 10m then shuffle shimmy back to the start before moving to the next movement. The evolve crawl is bouncing between 3 bear crawl positions, starting with hips high, then hips level like a normal bear crawl, and then hips low, then working back up. 3rd world + Cossack, start in a 3rd world then kick out with either foot into a Cossack then back into a 3rd world then repeat for the other foot. 

Then the player will go through the mobility portion completing 15 hip and knee CARs on each leg then PAIL/RAIL internal rotation for the hips. 

The player will then start a dynamic PreFatigue circuit, conducting dynamic overload for each hip which should take about 5 reps,(like for the shoulders this should progress into a “snappy” feeling, however, the hips will be much less snappier than the shoulders), then 10 total internal rotation squats (5 per side), and then 30 seconds of marching followed by 30 seconds in a 3rd world hold. The marching can be any variation whether it’s hanging from a bar bringing one leg up at a time, wall kicks, holding a medicine ball, or strapping into a belt squat machine and marching in place. Repeat this for 3 total rounds. 

Finally, the player will begin the meat of the session, which is 4-5 rounds, not for time, of leg hypertrophy work. The number of rounds will be dictated likely by the weights used for this. If the player starts the circuit immediately with weights, 4 rounds will likely be plenty, if they do the first round unweighted, a 5th round may be needed. The player will complete 10 weighted jumping squats with a heavy-ish weight, bear hugging a D-Ball was the most common choice, then a max effort oscillating hamstring curl eccentric with a band or cable machine, followed by 20 total jumping lunges, likely with the same weight as the jumping squats, followed by a 20m weighted duck walk, holding a medicine ball or goblet holding a KB was the most common forms done at the Space. 


040 : 021 FYF


040 : 019 Zone 2 + odd object