040 : 010 Space Race Prep

With the Space Race looming (info coming soon), I wanted to start touching on some shorter time domain rides on the Assault Bike (hint, hint) while also riding under fatigue. Your output on the machine/run begins to dictate your ability to do large sets on the 100's, but that was done intentionally, so don't sandbag the machine/run. My goal was to hold a 10-minute pace that was roughly 5-7 RPMs over what I had been holding for our longer Zone 2 sessions and then pick up the pace for the half-bodyweight in calories, however, this proved incredibly challenging for me after completing the 100's and I managed just under what I held for my bodyweight in calories. 


McGil Big 3

- 8x Curl Ups per side

- 10 alternating Bird Dogs 

- 8x Side Plank Raises per side

x 3 sets

*complete all movements with intention, trying to create as much tension throughout your body as you can to make this challenging. 


2 sets of 5 Hip CARs per side

*1-minute of rebounding between sets 1 & 2


Bodyweight in Calories on a Machine


1.5 Mile Run


100x Pushups

100x Dumbbell Box Step-ups 20"

100x alternating Kettlebell Gorilla Rows


1/2 Bodyweight in Calories


1 Mile Run


The session begins on the machine or run, completing your body weight in calories or a 1.5-mile run (if you haven't been running, choose a machine to increase output). From there, you'll move on to the 100 pushups, completing all the repetitions before moving on to the dumbbell step-ups (I used 35's to a 20" box). Once you've completed all 100 step-ups you can begin in on the kettlebell gorilla rows and then back to the machine or 1-mile run after the completion of your rows. 


Pushups = Dumbbell Bench Press or Push Press

Step-ups = Unweighted Step-ups, Lunges, Wallballs, Air Squats

Gorilla Rows = Pendlay Rows or Single Arm DB Row.


Erin: 29’41

TMB: 34’46”

KND: 42’17”


040 : 011 Capacity


040 : 009 Upperbody Strength