040 : 009 Upperbody Strength

We are essentially in a two-week float period between objectives. It does not mean you have to be unproductive. I have been fishing for movements that I want to build mass with and the top of my list is a dumbbell press or a variation of it. This session was to start determining what was weak and what could use the most work. So we approach these sessions with a lot of open-ended exploration. It is not just about the load you can lift but about finding the true deficiency. Keep in mind that the range should be full for all variations of the press. I want to watch the eccentric of a movement to see where it is the softest, and the negative at the end of each set of 10 is a good way to see it. Keep in mind that most of the work is the Shoulder and neck CARs. Intensify these as much as possible and the rest will work itself out.


5x30 second rebounding, chase each round with one of the following:

-Alt. Kick + Single leg deadlift

-Dynamic Lunge + Sampson (arms overhead stretch)

-Dynamic Lunge + Scorpion stretch

-Long Lunge + Cossack

-Evolve Crawl (undulating bear crawl)


3x5 Shoulder + Neck CARs

2 sets max effort prison CAR with weight

Work up to heavy single-side standing DB press (1-2rep)


3 rounds NFT

10x single side press last rep negative till failure (rest some between sides)

5x Windmill

10x Alt. Single-leg ball slam

20m Bottoms up carry (each arm)


Tricep Pull down till failure

Delt fly till failure



040 : 010 Space Race Prep


040 : 008 Hypertrophy