After 10 weeks of aerobic base building, it’s worth seeing how the enhanced aerobic system benefits not only long monotonous Zone whatever sessions but also harder snappier sessions. Granted, you can go about this session with the intent of just moving to move but, at least at The Space, that quickly changed. Each piece of this session averages to about 15 minutes and should flow right into each other, only rest should be administrative things like grabbing equipment. Feel free to let it loose a bit on the first 15 monostructural pieces, don’t quite burn the house down but experiment with how hard you can push it without falling apart. Keep that pace going into the carry ladder then don’t shy away from pushing the height and weight in the final circuit. The crew enjoyed this one at the Space, and hope you all do too. 



Alt Kick+SLDL+Lunge complex 


Hip Cars 


15 minutes of a machine of choice or Running


100m-10m by 10m 

Carry: Implement of choice 

10 calories on BikeERG or AB in between each carry segment 


4-5 Rounds of:

5 High Box Jumps 

10m of weighted walking lunge (implement of choice) 

10 Heavy squats (implement of choice) 


The player will start the session with our classic warmup complex. Then the player will complete 15 total Hip CARs on each side, nothing too strenuous just feeling the hip out. 

Then the player will start a running clock and begin on a machine of their choice or go for a 15-minute run. The player, if they choose to, should push the pace a little bit passed their comfortable established zone 2 numbers. 

Once the player completes 15 minutes of the cash-in, the player will grab their implement of choice and carry it for 100m. After completing 100m they will transition to 10 calories on a bike and then complete a 90m carry. The player will follow this trend, subtracting 10m from each carry and completing 10 calories on the bike before starting the next calorie. This looks like: 100m+10cals; 90m+10cals; 80m+10cals; 70m+10cals…20m+10cals; 10m. 

Finally, the player will complete 4-5 rounds of the above circuit. Starting with 5 high box jumps, starting at a higher than normal box (If you normally do 20-24” box jumps start it at 24-30”). Followed by 10m of weighted walking lunges, this can be 2 DB/KBs in the farmer carry position, rack position, or overhead position, or a D-Ball in the bearhug position, or any variation the player wants to experiment with. Then finished with 10 heavy squats. These could be D-ball/sandbag squats, zercher squats, hack squats, belt squats, or again any variation the player wants to play with. In subsequent rounds the player will increase the height of the box jumps and the weight of the lunges and squats. The focus here should be on generating power from the legs for the box jumps after plenty of fatigue from the cash-in and tax as well as the loading within the circuit. 


040 : 012 Low Back Injury Mitigation


040 : 010 Space Race Prep