039 : 025 progressive Aerobic IX

I think you can see it on people’s faces when they are fed up. When building or working towards an accumulation of tolerance to volume, one day it will be apparent that you need to back off. I had a plan to do one or two longer sessions… maybe three. but I wasn’t feeling it and when I showed up to the gym, I could see that others were also kind of over it as well. If I was personally working towards a specific goal or date, I would probably persist or if I was guiding another individual to a specific goal, I would find a way to reroute and regroup then push them forward. But in this case, I think it’s appropriate to read the room and start to make shifts. We are about 10 weeks in altogether and so we’ve had some really good progress. Most people can feel the benefit in the day-to-day work. Now we are on to keeping the signal before testing next week. It needs to be long enough to get all the signals going but not long enough to beat anyone down. I landed on 45 min and the focus is largely on integrating big movements into aerobic work to learn how to start to tolerate intensity.


4x30/30 Rebound

4x30/30 Box Jump/Step-up


On a 45min running clock choose one of the following interval distances to repeat

Run 800m

Row/Ski 1000m

Bike Erg 2000m

Assault Bike 50 calories

In between each interval, choose one of the following:

-15x Ball Over Shoulder

-15x Donkey kicks (sometimes called a reverse burpee)

-15x Body over Box @ 48”

-15x Burpee Box jump over


Pick one monostrucural movment. Use a MAF or Zone 2 pace After each interval perform the loaded movement at a consistent pace. Use the first part of the next interval to practice relaxing and recovering.


039 : 026 Strength Endurance + Chest
