Bands have been a fun theme to center a session around because it removes a large part of the attachment to weight. The player is forced to focus on the feel as opposed to beating an arbitrary number. 


5:00 3rd world squat w/ 5x squats every :30 seconds

3x 20m each way lateral shuffle (band just above knees)

3x 20 m forward and backwards of monster walk (bands around ankles, 1/2 squat position, feet wider than shoulders, steps as large as possible while maintaining tension the whole time)


:20 seconds spanish squats

:10 seconds hold at lockout

10 rounds

:20 seconds banded kick backs

:10 seconds hold with leg extended but not touching ground)

5 rounds left, 5 rounds right

:20 seconds banded glute bridges

:10 seconds hold at top

10 rounds

:20 seconds hamstring curl (relax only to a 90º shin-to-femur angle, then contract)

:10 seconds rest

10 rounds

:20 seconds banded lying march (hips elevated)

:10 seconds hold w/ femurs 90º to spine, shins 90º to femur, knees wider than hips and feet as wide as knees (think wall sit position, but lying on your back)

10 rounds


accumulate 5:00 in Copenhagen plank, (knee or foot) half on each side, switch whenever. 


The setup on all of these is the trickiest part, what we are trying to do is stress the levers and the joints they are attached to. this whole thing uses maybe 3 or 4 different bands, with all the work sessions I prioritize the holds over the work when rest is needed. rest well between each movement (2-4 minutes) 

For the Spanish squats, a heavyish band is looped behind the knees and around the upright of a squat rack. during the lowering phase of the squat, the knees move forward, relieving some of the tension and during the standing portion of the squat, the knees retract pulling the band tighter. the hold involves knees locked out pulling the band taught.

For the banded kickbacks, the same band as above is stretched across a squat rack at knee height, the player backs into the rack, placing the arch of one foot on the band, and is welcome to grab the uprights. the movement is kicking the leg down and back so the toe touches the ground (without transferring weight) much like the stride of a run, trying to keep the chest as upright as possible. the hold is a full extension of the leg, but NOT touching the ground. 

For the banded glute bridge, a heavier band is spread across the squat rack ~ 3-4” off the ground. the player slides under placing the band across the hip bones, pull the feet as close to their butt as possible, and bridging explosively into the band (keeping the heels touching the ground) speed and explosiveness are the goal. the hold is taken at the top of the bridge. 

For the hamstring curl, a band lighter than the Spanish squat is used. the band is looped one end around an upright and the other end behind the heels of a player sitting on a standard bench. the starting point is shins 90º – heels directly below knees and the player retracts as many times as possible during the work phase, always stopping at 90º. The hold is trying to touch the heels to the butt. this can be done one leg at a time too, in that case, execute 5 rounds on one side, then 5 rounds on the other. 

For the hip march, a light and small band (one of the thin rehab style bands) or a very light (rogue micro mini) band doubled over is placed around the arches of both feet. Player lies on their back and uses a yoga block under the bony part of their pelvis to elevate. pull one knee to your chest and extend the other trying to both lock the knee and get the heel to touch the ground. for the hold imagine a wall sit (heels under knees, knees level with hips) but lying on your back. there is a lot of hip engagement and anti-rotational forces when you make sure to keep your feet as wide as your knees and your knees wider than your hips. 


039 : 025 progressive Aerobic IX


039 : 023 Complexus VII