039 : 026 Strength Endurance + Chest

I think most people train their chest on days that they don’t feel like training. I resent this but also fall into the same trap often. Before I train chest, I like to think about qualities I believe need help. Lately, I’ve felt like some defensive positions in BJJ have exposed some stability limitations and possibly some localized muscular endurance. I felt like I could emulate both with a funky bench but to focus on the hold after a fatiguing set would give me what I’m looking for. I threw in some other stuff to make it well-rounded, but the bench is where your energy should go.


3x5 Shoulder CARs

PAIL/RAIL Internal rotation

Work up to heavy funky bench press

In between workup sets, 30-sec Dynamic overload External Rotation (see video)


10x Funky Bench press AHAP + 30-sec hold at the top

20x Lat pulldowns

10x Banded shoulder press

3 rounds, Rest as needed


3x10 Alt. Superman Ring push-up

1 set Banded Pulse Curl till failure


039 : 027 capacity


039 : 025 progressive Aerobic IX