This week’s FYF took an unexpected turn. We had a relatively small group given so many members who were out of town. I originally had each “apprentice coach” write up a session for FYF and they came up with some gnarly workouts that were right in line with what we do for FYF. However, given the group we had, and the overall level of fatigue everyone was feeling from the accumulation of the week—we decided to make it a solo FYF using my favorite session, the Single Movement Mind Fuck (SMMF). To be fair, they asked for it. 

I might add that there are a few ways to approach something like this. It being FYF would dictate a time trial of sorts, which I like the idea of. the other way is to interval it. This is a good approach if someone lacks the constitution to hold a steady hard pace. the back and forth nature of high and low intervals keeps the brain interested and focused on the immediate. Try 1min on 1min off, above the pace you might hold for a steady and just below so that the average is the same.

Calories for time on any machine. 
*we all chose the bike erg. 


KD - 48:57
LT - 52:03
DL - 58:07
Peepers - 56:25
GS - 61:03


039 : 015 Recovery-ish


039 : 013 Strength Endurance + Mobility