039 : 015 Recovery-ish

One of the benefits of getting comfortable programming is being able to put something together that is exactly what you need. I needed to move, but bordering on a recovery session. Something grindy with a few challenges, but the main focus of “movement therapy” – I paced and chose weights according to that goal. 


20 cal ski

20x planked DB rows on each hand

20x step-ups (with the above DB in farmers hold) on each side 

20x kb swing (2 handed) 

10x toes to bar or knees to elbows

10x pull-ups

As many rounds as appropriate (I did 5 at a mediocre pace and relatively light weights)

Finish with 10-15 minutes of wrist CARs, forearm stretching, and shoulder/pec PAILs


One of my training partners was looking for something a bit spicier, and he just went for time. Much of the impact of a session is a result of the intent of the player, not simply the selection of movements. 


039 : 016 Complexus VI


039 : 014 FYF