039 : 013 Strength Endurance + Mobility

We had some newer clients show up for this session so it was a good opportunity for me to evaluate my own development as a coach/teacher and my understanding of our new definition of strength. 

As a reminder, the real work of sessions like these are done in the functional range conditioning (FRC) portions. It’s not glamorous, some may call it boring, but what follows is simply an expression of the work put in. 

Oh, and the initial excitement about having curls in a session will fizzle out after a couple of rounds. . .


3x5 Shoulder CARs

3x8-10 Banded Dynamic overload in Ext. and Int. rotation of the shoulder

5x Prophet Press between


5 rounds

10x Lateral Ball throws

10x Zottman Curls (CAR curl)

10x HAM Press (each side)

1min hold between (rack, overhead, Bear hug, plank, handstand)


The player will start the session with a 5-minute clock, kicking off each minute with a 30-second plank then 1 push-up and remaining for the rest of the minute and then repeat at the top of the next minute, but adding one push-up to the requirement each minute (minute 1- 1 push-up, minute 2- 2 push-ups, minute 3- 3 push-ups…) Then the player will move into the FRC work, kicking it off with 3 sets of 5 shoulder CARs on each side. They will utilize the first set to feel out the shoulders for the day and then, depending on comfortability/experience with CARs, add tension either through increased time per CAR, compromised positions, or weight. Once done, the player will complete PAIL/RAILs for internal and external rotation and extension. Stay on one side for internal rotation into external rotation then extension before going to the other side. 

The player will then complete 3 superset rounds of dynamic work: dynamic overload into 5 of one of the three movements, again depending on where the player is at with their shoulder range of motion/strength. Prophet press being the more difficult, Viper Press moderate, or Cuban press with light DBs being the easier of the three. Players should focus on slow and controlled quality reps and not necessarily weight. 

To finish, the player will move through 5 rounds of the circuit. Starting with 10 total lateral ball throws. The player will stand about ten feet from the wall and attempt to get enough power for each throw so that the ball returns back to the player without touching the ground. The player will then do 10 Zottman curls on each arm, or both at the same time. If unfamiliar, think of these as loaded Elbow CARs. Then 10 HAM presses on each side, likely with a similar DB weight to the zottman curls or within 5-10 lbs. Finally, to top off the round, the player will do a 1-minute hold in a position of their choosing. Examples are a rack or overhead hold with 2 KBs, a bear hug hold with a heavy DBall or sandbag, or a plank or handstand hold. Certain holds target both the shoulder and core, and others target core more specifically.


039 : 014 FYF


039 : 012 Strength Endurance (shoulders)