038 : 027 Progressive Aerobic V.2

Everyone was wrecked. And this is the tricky part of training, what can you do to progress on the days where you are feeling the accumulation of fatigue? For me, I felt it was a good time to move the stress to a more balanced and functional point. So I chose movements that we haven’t been doing for a while and I cut the time down a bit to allow the system to be taxed but not necessarily trained. I gave the option to extend the effort if people felt good, and funny enough, the majority after an hour wanted to go another 20min. So the lesson here is sometimes it is best to start moving without any harsh requirements. Often the idea of the session is what is difficult, and changing it halfway feels like failure. So instead, leave it open ended.


0-15 min

10-20-30-40 Ski Cals

100-200-300-400m Carry of your choice (mix and match or just choose one variety)


400m Run

5-10-15-20x DB Hang Clean and Press between



Lateral Ball throws or wallballs


1000m Run

20x Ball Over shoulder (light)


Treat each section as an even effort, and keep the same pace. In the first section, the tendency will be to try and finish the ladder, which probably won’t happen. If you are feeling good through 60min, feel free to add another segment of your choice.


038 : 028 FYF


038 : 026 Mobility + spine