038 : 026 Mobility + spine

The spine is very tricky to improve range and control. I can’t decide if it’s because it is actually complex or it has more to do with our tendency to ignore it until it is a problem. I can’t imagine ancient mankind having the kind of chronic back issues we have today, we wouldn’t have made it as a species. It makes me think that even with our fundamental understanding of biology we still collectively misunderstand how to make improvements or how ti heal it properly. I have had a mixed experience in training the spine, and I am not quite sure I am “better” even though I have subtle clues that make me think that I am actually much improved. One of those things is my subjective feeling of confidence in moving. I can sit up from a chair and not be stiff. I can pick things up and not worry that I have a bad position. Part of this is because I started incorporating flexed and extended positions, as well as rotational exercises a few years ago and they seem to be paying off. Like any of these sessions, it is hard to describe exactly how these look and feel but if you play with it, you will eventually get it.


3x5 of each

Spine CARs

Hips CARs

Thoracic CARs

2x10 Weighted or Banded Spine segmentation

3sets of each:

Circular Back extensions

Lateral Ball Throw

Alt. Weighted or Cabled Nerve Floss


Superman max contraction till failure

Hollow hold till failure


The first section is not a warm-up. The CARs are the work. Take your time and explore the range of motion. If done properly, doing 2-3 CARs of any of the movements should be hard without rest.

These segments are done on a belt squat machine because the angle tends to be perfect, but a heavy band works well too. After a few reps, you really start to notice how the spine opens up and starts to move differently. Use very controlled and very attentive concentration during these.

The third section can be thought of as a circuit, not for time. Move through each movement and do as many reps as you need in order to feel substantial stress. Rest as needed

With the finisher, really think about a maximum isometric contraction in that end range of motion.


038 : 027 Progressive Aerobic V.2


038 : 025 Progressive Aerobic V