038 : 025 Progressive Aerobic V

I’ve been waiting for this moment, it is a sign that what we are doing is progressing effectively. In aerobic work, it is the collective fatigue that finally catches you. Most people start too hard on their build, carrying too high of a heart rate means that they can never add volume. When done correctly the first few weeks should be on the edge of feeling like it’s not enough work. And if you are used to high intensity it will feel like you are being kind of lazy, but this is what you want. When the moment hits you, it feels like a weird tiredness and this is what everyone felt after the first long session of the week. I will post a separate session after this that shows how we contend with adjusting volume while still trying to build volume. This session has quite a bit of leg stress. I felt it, particularly in my hips and feet. Make sure to pace the body movements so that they are a consistent pace, paying attention to how much acidity is building up.


Body weight in Cals or 1-mile run (test MAF if applicable)

200x Air squats

BW in cals or 1-mile run

200x Lunges

BW in cals or 1-mile run

200x Step-ups

BW in cals or 1-mile run

80min cap


038 : 026 Mobility + spine


038 : 024 Strength Endurance