038 : 024 Strength Endurance


  • 100x Dumbbell Piston Bench Press; every break complete 5 Strict Pull-ups + go up in weight on the DB Bench Press each break. 

  • 100m Dumbbell Bear Crawl 35/25lbs; every break complete 6 Baphomet Snatches (total) using a DB from your bear crawl weight. 

  • For Time


Calorie Machine 

Unbroken Wallballs 

*Every 3-minutes complete - Death By Wall Walks


In following suit with last week’s “100’s” session, I wanted to continue that trend of trickery, intensity, and breathing in a strength endurance setting. Don’t rush through the first two pieces, move with a purpose and have a goal as to how you believe you will finish, but don’t rush through it and get sloppy. Movement quality matters just as much as the intensity you put in. 

Rest 5 minutes between all pieces, paying attention to recovery (breathing, settling your HR, drink water, etc). 


038 : 025 Progressive Aerobic V


038 : 023 Complexus III