My only intent was to make something awkward. I wanted the movements to be just unfamiliar enough to cause some issues. Mix that with a partner and you will usually have something that gets exposed. All in all, I thought it was pretty fun, but others found it a little frustrating, which can be useful. Most of us didn’t know how to pace things because the limited experience mixed with the FYF vibe meant we pushed things out of the gate a little harder than we should have. Grab a partner, and give it a go.


For Time in teams of 2

100x Burpee over partner (laterally)

200m Ball carry relay (in 10m increments)

100x Alt. Box Jumps @ 24/30”

200m D-Ball Push (bear crawl) @ 60/80lbs

100x Ball over cage (should be about overhead reach height) 40/60lbs

200m Weight Bear crawl 25/35s

100x Alt. Deck Squat with medball (pass ball at top, while partner is on laying back)


All reps are shared between partners. Where “alt.” is designated, it is meant to be switching after each rep.


039 : 001 Progressive Aerobic VI


038 : 027 Progressive Aerobic V.2