The theme for this week is VOLUME. I’m trying to sort out just how much volume our clients can handle before we gear training toward a specific goal of peaking capacity. The base structure for any good build is first an increase in volume. Before you can do that, you need to know what that means for each person. So when you partake in this week of work, really the goal is to try and organize each session to get not only the best performance but the best recovery. I will be posting some short videos on Instagram about how I approached the week and I will update this page with them as well. The only rule for this week is that you have 6 days to get all 8 sessions in (9 if you are adding the FYF) and you have to warm-up for 10min for each session and cool down for 10min for each session. I personally swapped 2 of the sessions and added 4 BJJ sessions, so if you have another sport it is still possible to play around with this concept.

The Sessions

Session One:

60min Alt. EMOM

1- 10/12 Cal Bike

2- 12x wallball

3- 10/12 Cal Row

4- 12x Lateral Ball Throw

5- 10/12 Cal Ski

6- 12x Single leg Ball Slam

Flow: This session is about picking a pace and sticking to it. It isn’t hard except for the fact that it is uncomfortably long. Choose a medicine ball weight that is light enough to keep the reps “snapp”.

Session Two:

The Dirty Filthy Fifty

50x Box Jump overs @ 24”

50x Weighted Box Step over @ 20” & 50% of Bodyweight

50 Cal Airbike

50x Burpee to target (to a low pull-up bar works)

50 Cal Airbike

50-meter Weighted Bear Crawl @ 50% of Bodyweight

50 Cal Airbike

50x Ball and Body over Box @48” 60/80lbs

500m D-ball Carry

Flow, this chipper is a slog, finish each movement before starting the next one. Come out fast but save enough for the body over box.



LTC: 39:40

Devon: 35:52

Session Three:

40min AMRAP Carry

Choose an implement (D-Ball KBs, Etc.) and try to pick a pace that gets you the furthest.

Flow: SMMF, this should feel terrible, but pick a weight that you can carry for quite a while. Picking something too heavy means you will be resting often. Minimize that.

Session Four:


Alt. EMOM until failure starting at:

1-8/10 Cal Ski

2-8/10 Cal Row

3-8/10 Cal Bike (or runner)


Add one calorie to each machine every round.

Flow: Start with calories on the ski, switching machines EMOM and adding one cal each round. Try and pace from the very start, trying to predict where you think you’ll end up. For example: if I think I can get to the round of 20, I want to get my 10 cal in 30-sec and the round of 15 in 45 sec. This will enable you to go further. Often the mistake people make is going too hard upfront and not saving enough for when it starts to get hard.


TMB: 10 rounds + 57 reps

LTC: 9 rounds + 19 reps

Devon: 8 rounds + 13 reps

Session Five:

Your body weight in cals on an airbike*

*EMOM 5x wall balls

Cash out: For each minute that the above effort takes, do 10m of weighted walking lunges.

Flow: Start on the bike working at your body weight (in lbs) on the airbike. Each minute, do 5x wall balls. For however long the session takes, do 10m of walking lunges (weighted however you line) for each minute.


TMB: 12:23

LTC: 12:00

Session Six:

Alt. EMOM till failure

1- 15/20 Push-up

2- 20x Split Jumps

Flow: Treat this session a max out on legs and chest, Although you may get past a few sets of unbroke sets. Push yourself to train in a way that exposes your weakness. If I can go fast, perhaps you attempt to slow down and examine the unbroken option.

Session Seven: (Bret’s Session)

% rounds for time (light enough to do the first set unbroken)

5x Burpee Pull-up

20x Alt. DB Clean and Press (total)

20x Renegade Row

20x Alt. Single-leg Deadlifts

20 Cal Ski


TMB: 23:30

LTC: 23:35

Session Eight (Lara’s Session)

Death By Bulgarian Split Squat start heavy, Go down in weight every 10-minutes

Flow: The Player will complete the first minute by doing one rep on one leg


LTC: 18 rounds

Session Nine (bonus)

In teams of two:

Cash-in: 100x Standing DB Clean and Press ( partner will static hold while one partner works

300 Cal Bike erg (Each transition: 10x KB deadlifts)

200 Cal Row (Each transition: 10x KB swings)

100 Cal Ski (Each transition: 10x KB C&P


800m D-Ball Carry

Flow: Players will start out each holding a set of DBs, Alternating getting 100 (total) C&P, one player will work while the other holds, the player must be holding in order to count reps. then they will move into the machine work, one player working at a time, paying the penalty required on each machine for each transition. The team will finish with a 800m sandbag or D-ball carry. One ball per team


037 : 022 Building Capacity I


037 : 017 STRENGTH