037 : 017 STRENGTH

This session was put together for a relatively new client. Feeling the difference between numerous squat variations – and being able to communicate them, is an important aspect in building the training moving forward. Sessions like this can be kept light with the focus on feeling, or if you want to push it, it can get pretty nasty.



Back squat + Front squat + Zercher squat

go up in weight each time its appropriate


5:00 AMRAP 

D-ball or Goblet squat 

go up in weight every minute

rest 3:00

5:00 AMRAP 

D-ball or Goblet squat 

start at the heaviest weight from last block and go down in weight every minute


Set up a separate bar for each squat version, start relatively light and add weight as needed/able. The rest between each squat version should be 15-30 seconds, and each set as much as 3 minutes. When you are into the singles rest as much as needed. 

The AMRAP is a finisher of sorts, set out the 5 different weight medicine balls or kettlebells and start with the lightest one. Every minute on the minute switch implements resting then needed, But pushing (these squats will usually fail safely due to structural integrity so its usually safe to dig pretty deep) take a full rest and repeat from the heaviest to the lightest. 


037 : 017-021 HELL WEEK


037 : 016 CAPACITY