037 : 022 Building Capacity I

Hell Week alluded to an eventual build and peak of what most would consider the defining attribute of fitness, work capacity. We are looking at helping a client that wants to compete in in the Hyrox series of fitness competition. I felt like it was a good opportunity to share the process with our entire community. I have never competed or prepped anyone for this event, but that being said, the events and performances are known. We can easily test and get a close estimate of what it will be like on the day. and as far as general fitness tests go, it looks pretty fun.

First, there is very little skill involved. Some might think this is an advantage, and it might be for those that are not naturally athletic but what it puts emphasis on is a pure engine. To me, that translates as “pain tolerance.” But since it is such a clear capacity signal it should be easy to give general guidelines and have this series of sessions still be helpful to those following remotely. That being said, if you want to follow along and have specific questions, leave them in the comments so we can help.

The requirements are known, a series of grunt style movements split up by repeated 1km running efforts. The duration is somewhere between an hour and an hour 20 depending on your fitness level. The core is running, so efficiency in that domain will be paramount. But people can get hung up on some of the strength endurance stuff, so it can’t be ignored. There are events in November and December so it gives us between 4-5 months to prep.

The first 6-10 weeks will be focused on building volume. This means 3 sessions a week dedicated to longer steady efforts of mixed modal, but mostly running and biking efforts. The other efforts throughout the week will be supportive, strength/mobility, power, and strength endurance. We will have some running tests in order to determine running efficiency and pacing for this build. But this week we are looking at just getting people working for longer periods of time. I arbitrarily started at 50min, but that is just based on knowing where most of our people are at. IF you are at a traditional CF gym you may have to start much lower than this, I find most CFers lose efficiency in the 20min realm and you might want to start there. The plan is to gve your body 3 sessions to adapt to each time domain, raising the duration 5-10% each week. This can be done objectively through MAF testing and using a HR monitor but I want to stress that you don’t need to. I will have a few people use HR and I will just be going off of feel.

If everything goes smoothly, we will be seeing efforts that push almost into the 2 hour range, granted, I want this to feel easy, it is not the same as a 2 hour max effort. My priority above everything is to keep the build interesting. They are bound to get monotonous, because honestly, monotony has its way of helping develop a mind that can tolerate extended hard efforts. But if you get through something like this and you don’t feel like training, we obviously didn’t do the right thing. Our goal is to experience this event, even if we just set it up on our own, but to also experience events after. If you wreck yourself prepping for this, you did it wrong—even if you win.

This first session needs to be easy, think about having a conversation the whole time. That being said, everyone will likely go too hard and thats fine, this is about tuning. No matter how hard you go you will finish out the session on a bike for the remaining of the 50min. The increasing stress of the compounding movements like box jumps are meant to cause a bit of redlining so that you learn to back off and recover during the longer monostructural pieces. Consider running barefoot to slow you down, especially if you have injuries related to running.

Session One


10 cal machine

100x Step ups

400m Run

20cal machine

80x Lunges

400m run

30 cal machine

60x box jumps

400m run

40 cal machine

40x burpee box step-up and over

400m run

50 cal machine

20x burpee pull up

400m run

Finish the remaining 50min on a machine at conversational pace.


TMB: 37’00”

LTC: 36’42”

Session Two

The circuits found in this session can use any implement of choice KB, DBs, D-ball , etc, Try and pick a weight that you can work with nonstop for the entirety of each segment.


50min running clock

0-8min AMRAP (as many rounds as is potentially useful)

10x Deadlift

10x Ground to Shoulder

10X Squat

20m Carry

8-10min easy recovery on bike

10-17min AMRAP

Carry Object in 10m increments

17-20min easy recovery on bike

20-26min AMRAP

10x Deadlift

10x Ground to Over head

10x Squat

20m Carry

26-30min Easy recovery on bike

30-35min AMRAP

Walking Weighted Lunges

35-40min Easy recovery on bike

40-44min AMRAP

Ground to Shoulder

44-50min Easy Recovery on bike

Session Three


45-50 min run or bike

This should be a steady pace. If you are running and feel this is too long, mix in walking to break up the effort. This session should add more to recovery than it should tax you. I suggest that you do it outside on a trail or in nature.


037 : 023 Motus In Vis XV


037 : 017-021 HELL WEEK