ESC : 016 Strength Endurance + Superset Ladders


3 Sets

3 Shoulder CARs (each side)

150ft Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry

20 Reverse Walking Lunges unweighted (total)

rest 1min


Part 1

10-1 (10, 9, 8…1)

Kettlebell Gorilla Rows 

Kettlebell Box Step-ups 20” (each leg)

Rest 90 sec

Part 2

10-1 (10, 9, 8…1)

Dumbbell Floor Press 

Renegade Rows  (each arm)

Rest 90 sec

Part 3

10-1 (10, 9, 8…1)

Hanging Leg Raises 

Sit up

Rest 3min


5min Running Clock

Dead Hang from the Pull-up bar

*every time you break, complete 5x Push-ups

*the clock doesn’t stop running, so your goal is to accumulate as much time on the bar as possible in whatever manner you deem appropriate. 


This session is not for time, but start a clock so you can manage your rest times and stay on task. Each part will be completed separately as a superset and must be completed in the order it is written. Each part has 55 repetitions per movement for a combined 110 repetitions. The movements are designed to fatigue similar muscle groups differently, so choosing the load you pick will impact how this session goes. For each piece, the goal is to use the same weight for each movement, and if you’re feeling froggy, use the same weight for parts 1 and 2. 

When the session begins, you will start with 10x KB Gorilla Rows into 10x KB Box Step-ups for a combined 20 reps. After the set of 10/10, you will move to 9/9 and down the ladder to 1/1. This format will be followed for all parts (1-3). There is a specific rest of 90 seconds between the first three parts and a 3-minute rest before completing the finisher. During each part, you can rest as needed between movements, but the goal is to keep moving steadily. Again, this session is NOT FOR TIME, so focus on movement quality over racing a clock.


ESC : 015 Mobility + Straight Sets


ESC : 017 FYF