
6-minute Machine increasing your pace each minute


60ft Dual Overhead Carry

60ft Dual Front Rack Carry

60ft Farmers Carry

rest 1min 

x 3

*move from one movement into the next completing all 180ft before putting your weights down. Dual kettlebells are preferred, but dumbbells can also be used. 


10 Rounds

2min of Work / 1min of Rest

Kettlebell Complex 2x of each movement 

Deadlift + Swing + Goblet Squat + Headcutter

*add 1 rep per movement each round

In the remaining time of each 2-minute round, complete as many Calories as possible on a machine of your choosing. 

Score = Total Calories Completed


When the clock begins, using a single Kettlebell, you will complete 2 Deadlifts + 2 Swings + 2 Goblet Squats + 2 Headcutters. In the remaining time of the 2-minute round, you will complete as many calories as possible. When the 2-minute round is completed, you will rest 1 minute until starting in on the second round. The second round will consist of 3 repetitions of each movement, followed by finishing that 2-minute round with max calories on your machine. You will continue to follow this format of 2 minutes of work + 1 minute of rest until all 10 rounds are completed. Keep track of your calories per round to tally up your score at the completion of the session. Choose your weight accordingly. The start of this session can compound, which means the first 2 minute interval should be paced appropriately. The last round has 11 reps per movement, which means you have 44 reps to do in a 2-minute window + calories in the remaining time. 


ESC : 016 Strength Endurance + Superset Ladders


ESC : 018 Monostructural Capacity + Intervals