ESC : 015 Mobility + Straight Sets


3x 10m of each

Alternating kicks


Dynamic lunge with twist

Bear crawl forwards

Bear crawl backward

Lunge + kick + SL deadlift


3x10 Spine CARs

3x5 Hip CARs

3x10 Jefferson squats on box

3x10 Alternating sciatic nerve floss

3x 90sec max effort Thoracic spine CAR (each direction)

Rest 2 min between

3x5 loaded standing Spine CAR with belt squat machine or band


Each section should be done as a straight set as to build up how much you can contract and control the CAR. Rest should be required. These are working sets and should be treated as top-end lifts. 

The spine CARs look a lot like a cat/cow stretch but they are slightly different. The aim is individual spine segmentation. The way to do this is to start on all fours in a fully flexed spine (cat). Then starting at the tail bone try and move one vertebrae into extension at a time until you are in a full cow position. Start back over at the tailbone, moving each segment into flexion, and repeat. 

The max effort thoracic CAR should be done standing with a wide stance and preferably loaded legs. Using a medicine ball, squeeze down hard and move your thoracic spine through a full range taking 90sec to do one rep. These are exhausting and you will need rest when done properly. 

Finally, you will end in a loaded Spine CAR. This can be done with bands if you don’t have access to a belt squat machine. Having a tactile object helps you push and control each vertebra and many people find this easier even though the contraction and pressure is higher. 


ESC : 014 Strength + Superset Ladder


ESC : 016 Strength Endurance + Superset Ladders