041 : 024 Strength Endurance (push)

This is the first of two sessions that are intended for one result… very sore shoulders. Again the premise here is that these sessions work together, they mix and match similar movements but they should be different energy systems. We chose some novel movements to add some spice and this is a good way to implement new ideas. We end up with so much repetition in pressing that it is hard to reconceptualize it. The BB single-side bench press offers a pretty strange stimulus and I think it was a refreshing change.



Ski Erg Cals

Seated Clean And Press

Standing Push Press

(choose something light, I chose 30lbs DBs)

3x5 shoulder CARs


Work up to heavy single side Barbell Bench Press

4 sets @ heavy done to fatigue (think between 8-12 maximal reps)

Rest as needed


Single-side Rollouts

Plyo Push-up

Eccentric Articulating Push-up

You should only need one set of each one of these movements, do more if you need it.


041 : 025 Push + capacity


041 : 023 Strength Endurance +