The past few days at Nonprophet have been upper body intensive and for the sake of a Saturday breather geared towards a larger class structure, I programmed a lower body, low equipment session that can be loaded up heavy if desired. The objective is volume. I suggested that the class choose heavy over fast-paced racing to counterbalance our Friday night FYF which is generally a competition-style session.


2:00 Row or bike

10 meter dynamic lunge

10 meter alternating kicks

2x through

3x 5 hip cars 

Between sets do an elevated pigeon or hip joint pale and rail 


Cash in:


Heavy Sandbag squats

10 calories between sets

Right into:

100 meters heavy lunges, every time you break do :30 wall sit

*add 10 seconds to your wall sit every round

Cash out:


Wallball situps

Calories on a machine

During the “Cash in” the class started at a heavy weight post warmup and added weight to every set. Most females were ending their final sets and reps with the 60-80kg sandbags. Feel free to use kettlebells or dumbbells in the rack position if you’re lacking in a variety of weights in this section.

The 100-meter lunge should also be as heavy as you can tolerate safely and with good body positioning. If you finish 50 meters without resting, you went too light, if you don’t finish 10 meters, you’re too heavy. I went heavy and broke about 7 times. I was okay with this stimulus and proceeded as desired.

The cash out should be with a slightly lighter ball than what you would use for a wall ball. Lay on the floor with your toes touching the wall holding the ball, ball comes overhead and as you sit up throw the ball up to the wall as if you were doing a squatting wall ball while keeping your butt anchored to the floor, catch the ball and repeat. Followed by equal reps in calories on a machine.


041 : 009 non-traditional Hypertrophy


041 : 007 FYF