041 : 007 FYF

The return of the mini-game. Breaking your session into multiple parts allows you to explore many sensations and the compounding effect of all of the work put together. You can kind of see what I’m getting at by just looking at the format, which is to move from grip work to kind of mixed grunt work and then finally christening it with a very difficult but short lunge burner. The final section helps to have someone to chase. We made the rule that if you catch someone you get a break from the death by that minute before the machine becomes available. Although this feels good at the moment, it doesn’t improve the overall time. I will stick to the idea that it makes it much more competitive though.


Death by grip

20m farmer carry into a 10-sec dead hang

repeat the 20m farmer carry and add 5-sec each time you dead hang.

This game ends when a player can no longer hang for the required time.


1x D-Ball to shoulder + 1x Later D-ball Throw (not a D-ball Drop and roll)

Add 1x Ball to shoulder and 1x lateral throw up to 10x of each

Burn it down:

50x cal Ski Erg*

50x cal Row*

50x cal Bike Erg*

*Death by Burpee


Start on the ski erg and work away at the 50 cals. At one minute, stop and do 1x burpee. Continue this pattern until you complete all three machines or cannot finish the required burpee rep in the minute. If you are doing this as a team, each player will start on a different machine and rotate through. If a player catches another player ahead of them, they get to take the next minute off of the death by progression and then start the machine for the entire minute when it becomes available, continuing the death by burpee sequence according to the minute they are on.


041 : 008 GirlSquad


041 : 006 Complexus XII