041 : 003 Strength Endurance (push)

A big lesson that comes later in training development is that we often change exercises instead of using exercises to change ourselves. I want the simplest expression to work for what I want to change. In this case, we are using the bench press. The bench press reigns supreme for chest and tri development, but only if it is respected. The warm-up is a good example of athletic development or priming beforehand. It is meant to keep the musculature explosive and functional, but also be aware the depth drops are inherently dangerous because of the amount of force that can be applied. This drop set is a great way to remember just how sore 3 sets can make you.


3x10 of each:

Scap pull-up + Hollow Swing + Bear Crawl + Inch Worm

2x5 Shoulder CARs

25x of each: T’s, Y’s, Airplanes, and inverted airplanes.

2x3 single-side roll-outs + wall walks + depth drop push up


3 sets of bench press + strip sets

Start at a weight that is hard for 12-15 reps, then strip 10-15 lbs, go till failure, strip another 10-15lbs go to failure again

20x plate pull-overs between


2-3 rounds NFT

10x D-Ball floor press

10x Supine, Supinated DB raises

10x Dips


041 : 004 Team + Capacity


041 : 002 Shake out