039 : 004 CAPACITY

I think I first saw something like this with the old crossfit football programming. I really enjoyed it and watching the raft of different experiences that different individuals had with it. The issue I had with a lot of crossfit stuff is “as RXed” – the competition part was never part of it for me, so there comes a point where “do it faster” is a dead end, and playing with variables is a much more enjoyable road. 

Range Finding  

Renegade Man Maker 


go up in weight each reduction in reps (and continue to go during the doubles if possible)


15 seconds work/45 seconds recovery, 6 rounds on airbike, try to increase work calories every round


100x Front Squat Push Press 

5x calories airbike EMOM until completion (20 minute time cap)


I have started to explain the first part of many sessions as range finding.  The idea is to work to something heavy and then use that knowledge to back up to a weight that would be useful for the session. It’s part warmup but primarily a change to have the discussion about what different weights feel like today, what information is being relayed in relation to the goals of the session. I have found this super useful with my clients in normalizing an internal dialogue about what is possible, what is useful, and what is appropriate on any given day. After the range finding i gave everyone the work with the instruction to pick a weight they thought they could finish in 15 minutes (ish). The workout starts with a 5 calorie sprint and then they are free to start to chip away at the 100x FSPP, every minute on the minute they have to get back on the bike and do another 5 calories. I use the echo bike and like to have the bike set to target calories and reset each round, it helps fight the urge to cheat oneself with rollover calories. I had people choose as little as 10# dumbbells (and a reduction to 3 cals EMOM) and 40# DB on the heavy side, a barbell is definitely an option too. 


039 : 005 Progressive Aerobic VI.2
