
3 sets of 5 - hip/knee/spine CARs

*increasing intensity as you go, either by controlling the movement more, adding load (weights or bands), or both. 


3 sets of 8/8 Curtsy Stepdown from 20" box

*add loading or tempo movement as you progress through your sets


3-5 sets for usefulness 

Knee Jump + Broad Jump + Box Jump

*This is for play, but focus on landing/takeoff positions; the goal as you move through your sets is to limit contact time on the ground with your feet while maintaining control of your body and momentum. Build in distance/height/speed as you go. 


3 sets of 10 per leg

- Internal Rotation Squat

- Pigeon Squats

- Bulgarian Split Squats

rest 1min


1 SET PER SIDE until exhaustion of 

- Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curl (oscillating)

*The goal is to make them as difficult and slow as possible. 

**You didn't do it right if you don't think one set was enough. 

How to Eat:

The intention behind this session was to attack the hip joint from as many different angles as possible. Play around with the warmups and find your range of motion deficiencies, and don't be afraid to hang out and explore those areas as needed. Don't force any positions, stay within whatever range of motion you have, and stay away from pain if you have any. When you reach the "meat," you'll perform each movement once to equal one set. Don't rush through them, but be mindful of the clock to keep you on task. During class, it was recommended to go through at least one round unweighted and then add weight when and where you feel comfortable. Some added weight, some did not, but everyone was walking funny the next day. It's important to make the hamstring curls as difficult as possible to truly get the benefit from only performing one set. Leave no doubt. 


039 : 004 CAPACITY


039 : 002 Complexus IV