038 : 022 CAPacity + Upper body

One thing I love about the space program is the chance to riff on other peoples programming, to get inspired and curious about feelings and then to twist them to fit my own needs and the needs of the people around me. This was after reading Michael’s “best upper body day” last week and it was pretty damn fun



Seated clean and press with 10x pull-ups (or body rows) between each

– go up in weight with each reduction in reps if possible


Gorilla row (total reps) with 10x ring push-ups between each – go up in weight with each reduction in reps if possible


Bicep curls with 10x tricep push-ups (or skull crushers) between each – go up in weight with each reduction in reps if possible


5:00 farmers hold

5x push-ups with every break, timer never stops


Try and choose weights that you can get through the reps unbroken, but don’t sweat speed or breaking up the constant “in between” movement. A little rest between transitions is expected. For the finisher, the push-ups and transitions are part of the 5:00 running clock (this works well with a group and some of the commercial/scheduling aspects of training others) 


038 : 023 Complexus III


038 : 021 FYF