038 : 021 FYF

To be honest, the average person can’t see the difference in something like this compared to your average “WOD.” We understand that what we do is nuanced, and mostly the difference is in the construction of efforts. The thought we put into how a session feels, and how people will respond is much different than what most people are considering when they program fitness. This session is a good example. It may just look like a bunch of work, but specific aspects were singled out in order to cause a challenge or a certain problem. I would recommend you work through this and try and single out why we combine certain things together.


in teams of 2 (runs done as a team, erg work is shared)

400m Run

1km Ski

400m Run

1km Row

400m Run

200m Farmer Carry (both Players)

400m Run

200m Walking Lunge (both Players)

400m Run

200x Walballs (shared)


LTC + TT: 29’47”

Dan + Tom: 31’08”


038 : 022 CAPacity + Upper body


038 : 020 The Best Upper Body Day