038 : 015 Progressive Aerobic IV

This week we changed the format to reflect the deeper need to structurally prepare the body for longer and harder efforts. I wanted to tax the feet and legs in a way that didn’t raise the heart rate, and this can sometimes be hard to do. The effect we are going for is to feel the fatigue of the volume in the structural limitations of our locomotion. Which means slightly longer intervals. Hopefully, this hits the spot for you.

Just as in other weeks, we are doing three different sessions this week, breaking them up appropriately. You should for sure start to feel the volume by now and it might start to feel like you don’t want to train multiple days in a row. This generally means you are in the right area to make proper adaptations for our eventual peaking period. Some questions that I’ve gotten are asking about how this is different than the capacity program, and in reality, it is based on the same foundation but it is different in scale. The capacity program is the peaking phase, this is more of a prep for that period, I would say that it is closer to the endurance manual in intention and execution.

Session One


75 min Working

5min Rebounding

150x Step-ups

1.5 mile run or 2xBW cals on machine

Session Two


75min of work:

100-10 (100, 90, 80…10) Cals Machine

1000-100m (1000, 900, 800…100) Meter Run, Ski, or Row

Session Three


2-4-6-8-10 min of

Run, Bike, Ski, Row



Finish with a 15-minute Run at MAF pace


038 : 016 Complexus II


038 : 014 FYF