038 : 014 FYF

We are only keeping one intense session in per week. So it might as well be an FYF. This session was designed to emphasize pacing strategy between teams with an evolving pressure to increase interval times. The carries just throw a wrench in to the planning of each team. I really like sessions that you have to make adjustments in the middle of because there is a component of communication and attention that each player has to hone.


In teams of 3

800m run as a team

into shared work:

200m Overhead carry @ 2x 16kg KBs

2km Ski

400m Rack carry @ 2x20kg KBs

2km Row

800m Farmer carry @ 2x 24kg KBs

4km Bike Erg


038 : 015 Progressive Aerobic IV


038 : 013 Mobility + strength