041 : 026 Fan Bike Inoculation II

This is another step in getting people mentally ok with a 10-minute effort. If you have followed the capacity manual (or listened to some of the more recent podcasts) you are already aware of the linear interval progression that has worked wonders for us in the past. This particular workout is a similar approach in thought, but gamified and with a more free-formed approach. I used it with a crop of clients before we start the linear model to test their assumed numbers, and also to sensitize them to how their own physiology communicates “recovered”. This is also helpful for individuals who overthink some of the linear work and stress themselves out. The open nature makes it feel a little more like they are “just trying something” than a pass or fail test. It is also a nice test bed of active recovery practices, and a chance to test your work.

For everyone, I made it a point to suggest that this is not a session to be played “safe” – mistakes are often more illuminating than success, and you can sometimes surprise yourself. 


5:00 - 10:00 warm up on fan bike, occasional sprinting, etc.


Max intervals at race pace in 30 minutes

You may choose any interval (:30/:60/:90/etc) but must choose your target before you start that particular round (different intervals throughout the 30 minutes is encouraged). If you get the requisite calories, the time counts towards your total. If you miss, the whole interval is forfeit. Rest at will and change the intervals as desired, but once you start an interval you are committed to the target time (setting the clock for 2:00 and bailing after 1:00 does not get you 1 minute)



First, each player should have a goal pace of calories per minute based off their desired 10 minute max effort test. The usual suggestion is a 10% improvement in total calories on a current baseline test, but it may be slightly more (or less) depending on the individuals proximity to CV power competency.  

For the game:

30 minute running clock 

Pick an interval that you are pretty sure you can get, program it as a “target time” on the computer and go for it. If you hit the right calorie count, mark it on the score board. You are free to rest as long as needed, and try different target times. If you start one and decide that it was a bad idea there is no penalty for quitting, aside from whatever work you put into that attempt. adjust your rest and/or target time and try gain. There are no “roll-over” calories, the goal is race pace, no faster or slower. 


041 : 027 Complexus XV


041 : 025 Push + capacity