041 : 028 FYF

When good sessions turn bad, it is a ripe opportunity to learn. This was not intended for an FYF, but it quickly rose to a formidable session because of some miscalculations. This was originally my birthday workout, and instead of explaining it or thinking too much I just wanted it to be an hour of non-stop work. I also wanted the mobility to be in the center — which is something you may have noticed we have been doing recently. The reason is, that too many people treat it as an afterthought in the warm-up. They are focused on what is to come and they blow through CARs and PAILS/RAIls never to realize how fundamentally they can help. I figured by putting them after a semi-hard piece they would focus a little more. I’ve had mixed reactions. But in my oversight, I planned something surprisingly heinous and that is the 2nd part. What I learned is that when something appears too hard, people generally change the metric, the movement, or the reps before they use the dose to change themselves. It is so important for people to feel that they are “hanging” with everyone who is completing a session that they will completely miss the point in order to do so. I also am not frustrated or angered when people do this because this is what leads to teachable moments for them… and for me.


3-30 in 3s (3, 6, 9…30)

Bike Cals

Walking Lunges

Every 4min 50m single-side Farmer Carry

2x5 Shoulder CARs

25x of each Ts, Ys, ^, and inverted ^


30-3 in 3s (30, 27, 24…3)

Ski/Row Cals


Every 4 min 5x Body over Bar


TMB: 18’39 and 24’09”

Lucas: 19’ and 23’44”


042 : 001 Capacity


041 : 027 Complexus XV