041 : 019 Strength Endurance (pull)


I wanted this pull session to give a weird back pump, without losing the desired signal. Rather than have the primary portion of the session be a lat blaster the aim was more rhomboids, upper, lower traps, with the lats still being in play but to a lesser extent until the finisher. I felt like this was accomplished for me personally, others may feel different depending on their own personal back development and if they decided to do zercher carries or some other form of carry.


15min AMRAP for quality

4x spine CARs

8x Jefferson Curls

4x Thoracic CARs

8x DB Clean


150x Seal, Bat, or Gorilla Rows if you don’t have access to enough boxes to raise a bench to the proper height

Every break 10m Zercher Carry + 3x Pulls on a ski erg or rower

*increase carry by 10m each time and add 3x pulls to erg each time


20-30x banded straight arm pull-down

10-20x Lat pull down

21s Bicep Curl (7x bottom half, 7x top half, 7x full)


Players will start a 15:00 clock and work through the spine CARS, Jefferson Curls, Thoracic CARS and DB cleans as many times as they can in the 15:00 minute window. Don't approach this like an amrap you would throw down in a crossfit box, think of it as an AMRAP for quality, when the 15 minutes is up, just end it. Don't feel obligated to finish the round you're on, and dont rush the movements like in a competitive piece. Throughout the first piece if you want to increase the weight on the clean or the intensity on the CARS you're we;come to do so.

For the meat of the workout, seal row setup, put  a bench on boxes or plates so that when your arms are fully extended the implement you're rowing whether it be barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell does not touch the floor. Lay on the bench in the prone position and drive your elbows as high as you can while holding onto your weight, ideally you'll touch the bench you're on with your weight. 

Do as many reps of this as you can in one set, when you break your set, ideally around 20-ish reps, the player will execute a 10m zercher carry, and 3 max effort pulls on the rower or ski. After finishing their carry and ski, return to the seal rows for another set, this time adding 10m to your carry and 3 more pulls to your machine. Repeat this process until you've accumulated 150 seal rows in total.

For the finisher, work through it as many times as you feel necessary, the point being to end with a very acidic feeling in the lats and biceps. try and minimize rest during this finisher. If you're unfamiliar with "21's" it can be performed with either a barbell, band, or dumbbells. Player will perform 7 curls from the bottom position to the halfway point, then 7 more curls from half way point to all the way up, then 7 full curls utilizing full range of motion.


041 : 020 Complexus XIV


041 : 018 Back Injury Mitigation