041 : 011 Back Injury Mitigation

The main focus of this session is to pay attention to your spine — the positions it will be in, and to generate tension throughout your core while in compromising positions (spine parallel to the floor). The warmup was created to "activate" your spine and hips to prepare them for the work that follows. The warmup demands the same attention as the work, so please give it that. Please pay attention to how things feel as you go through the warmup and spend additional time where it's needed to feel prepared to lift weights. The goal for this session is to allow those with recurring back issues to be able to train their legs & back without irritating their problem areas. Each member in this class left the session feeling better than when they arrived, which is always the goal, but specifically for this class, finding ways not to cause a flare-up is the top priority. If anyone has recurring back problems, please feel free to reach out or drop a line in the comments. 


McGil Big 3

     - 8/8 Curls Up

     - 12 alternating Bird Dogs

     - 10/10 Side Plank Raises

3/3 Hip Air Plane

*Complete two sets, but add a 3rd if needed


10-12 Toes Elevated RDL's (DB's, KB's or Barbell)

10-12 Single Arm DB Rows per side

12-15 Heels Elevated DB Squat

rest 2:00 btw sets

rest :30 between movements

x 3-4 sets


50 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls

25 Suitcase Marches per side

15 Single- Leg Hip Extensions

x 2-3 sets


Notice that there's a rep range for each weighted movement. Keep building if you're continually hitting the upper end of each range. If the available weights limit you, you can add tempo to each movement to make a lighter weight challenging. Elevate the front part of your foot on a plate or wedge for the RDL's so we can target the hamstrings better and eliminate any forward movement of the knees. Dumbbell Rows should be completed with both feet planted on the floor, torso parallel to the floor, and non-working hand bracing your body on a stable surface at waist level when you're standing. Keeping your spine parallel to the floor will allow your spine's deep musculature to fire. Heel Elevated Squats, aka Hack Squats, should be done with dumbbells at your sides in the farmer walk position while maintaining your spine position. Hence, it is perpendicular to the floor, keeping the weight in your quads by pressing them forward as you initiate the squat. Banded Hamstring curls will be executed with a band around your ankles sitting on a box/bench or in a seated machine if you can access one. Suitcase Marches are precisely what they sound like. You'll hold one weighted implement in your right hand while marching place, then switch sides and repeat. Hips and torso sound hardly move due to the tension you create throughout the movement. The single-leg Hip extensions should be felt more in the glute max than in the hamstrings or lumbar. This is accomplished by only coming up as high and squeezing your glutes will allow. There should be NO added flexion to the lumbar spine for additional movement. 


041 : 012 Complexus XIII


041 : 010 The Quest for the Hyper Trophy Week II