041 : 001 The Quest For the Hyper Trophy

If you are not aiming for a specific athletic goal in a competition or an experiential endurance event, you are most likely using fitness for body recomposition. There are few who step into a gym without the want of some type of aesthetic improvement, and yet few ever realize that goal. Improving performance and health is actually hard to accomplish without the physical resemblance of fitness, there is something about looking in the mirror and not liking what you see that is counterproductive to the deeper themes of fitness. So we acknowledge this and find ways to appreciate and teach the more subjective nature of aesthetics.

We will be dedicating 3 sessions a week to strength endurance and improved body composition for the next 12 weeks. The rules are simple, you must have some starting point, Dexa scans, In-body, or some comprehensive analysis to measure body fat and lean skeletal muscle must be established. In the end, the winner will be declared by the one who is able to either lose the most body fat, gain the most lean mass, or a combination of both.

This first episode is on diet and behavior. The session that follows is a progression from last week’s combo squat. I want to only point out that the objective is still to use as little weight as possible. People have a hard time maintaining the position that affects the quads deeply because most people develop a squat to move as much weight as possible which usually means pitching the upper body forward, moving the bar to a lower position, and putting more back and/or adduction into the movement. The only way to cue this is to really push the knee over the toe. If you are descending, your hip should be bending in relation to the bend in your knee and vice versa. The torso is upright. I have a 405lb max back squat, and with this position I feel like failing on rep 12 or so with 145lbs. Hopefully, that gives you an idea. The auxiliary work is pretty fun, a long lunge onto an elevated front foot and a single leg back extension. Just like last week, I didn’t need much after the squats.


As a circuit, 5 rounds NFT

30sec rebound

10x alternating kicks + 10xSingle leg Deadlift + 10x Lunge + 10x Squat

2x5 Hip/ spine CARs

PAIl/ RAIL external rotation of the hip and knee


3 sets 6/12 front/back combo squat

add 5 lbs from last week

Rest as needed

3 sets 10-15 reps each side elevated front foot long lunge

+10 single leg back extensions on each leg


041 : 002 Shake out


040 : 028 fyf