040 : 025 non-traditional Hypertrophy (lower)

Still continuing on a bit of “winter weight gain” I want to play with ways to send the signal to get bigger, that more tissue is really the solution more so than more efficiency or more strength. there will probably be quite a few mess-ups during this endeavor, but this one was pretty “fun”

skill + power

3x20m skip

3x20m bound

5x each

box jump

stiff leg box jump

seated box jump

2 sets, then 3-5 mores sets of whichever one you got the most out of


5x slow squats (3-5 seconds down, 3-5 seconds up)

5x slow lower explosive squats (3-5 seconds down, fast raise)

5x regular squats


squat all the way down, then halfway up and hold there for :20 seconds, upon completion of the hold lower back to the bottom of your squat and then rep out as many explosive squats as possible without a break (pausing at the top, even without racking, counts as a break)

if you can get 20x reps, rack it and add weight. 

rest :90 seconds

6 rounds


every: 90 player must accumulate :30 seconds of wall sit (pause your timer if you fall out), the remainder of the time you ride a C2 bike for calories. the goal is 100 calories or 9 minutes total elapsed time.


Most of this session is pretty simple. For the meat you don’t need to go very heavy, especially if you are strict about being explosive. We call them “hop squats” - as you come out of the bottom of your squat accelerate to the point where you are a touch weightless at the top and momentum will carry you onto your toes, then as you come back down start to lower into the squat the moment your heels hit the ground. its a great little signal to keep stress in your legs and avoid even little breaks at the top. 

For the finisher, it reads a little more complicated than it is, but it helps to have a big clock and a stop watch (or a stop watch and a separate interval timer) the first interval starts at 0:00 on the big clock and you have to accumulate :30 seconds in a strict wall sit before you can head over to your bike. Do your best on the bike and when the big clock reads 1:30 get back to the wall and start accumulating another :30, all transitions and farting around comes out of your bike time. If you stand up or fall out of the wall sit – pause your timer, rest, get back into it and get it done BEFORE you go back to the bike (the big timer never stops, and every time if rolls through :90 seconds you get another :30 of wall sit, even if you never make it to your bike). think of it more like :30 seconds of wall sit every 90 seconds for 6 rounds with as much biking as you can between accumulations. This is a solo version of a partner exercise I’ve posted here before where 2 players accumulate calories on the bike, but one player can only pedal while their partner is in wall sit and they have to switch whenever someone exits/falls out of the static hold. 


040 : 026 Back Injury mitigation


040 : 024 Space Race Prep