040 : 014 FYF

Technical programming for a session means that you can come very close to predictable outcomes. Planning for yourself is easy and hard because you may know yourself but you rarely trick yourself into the right dose. Planning for multiple people with different backgrounds is damn near impossible, but it’s fun to try. I think this gets overlooked, but we are looking for common sensations. We want the feeling to correlate more than any other factor. This is largely managed by understanding what different time domains feel like. 1-2, 3-7, 10-20, 20-30 min, etc, all have very different feelings. Picking this session, I wanted a hard 4 min. I enforce this “intensity” by requiring a goal to finish (300cal) I keep the intensity high by punishing not digging deep ( more rounds means more pain) and I’m able to ensure the icing on the cake by having it be a team session, because people will kill themselves in the service of others. What you construct by choosing the right exercises with this approach is usually an unforgettable feeling, one that is close ot drowning but also deeply satisfying. The minute rest makes it just possible.


4min working 1 min rest

As a team of 3, 300 calorie Airbike

Before teams can start the calories they must each buy in individually at the start of every 4min interval

7x Push-ups

7x Burpee

7x Burpee Box Jump

7x Burpee Box Jump Over


At the start, teams of 3 will individually do all 4 movements and 28 reps before then sharing the effort of chipping away at the 300 calories. Teams may choose how to break up the effort however they choose. Take one minute rest and then repeat until team finishes 300cals


040 : 015 Strength Endurance + Shoulders


040 : 013 Complexus IX