040 : 007 FYF

Team dynamics are another level of development that can help individual deficiencies. Most often, the team “pace” is a visual and energetic display of what is required. It is something that is not lost on a lot of people. That being said, every once in a while, someone doesn’t seem to get it, and they will be told very quickly what is expected of them. Witnessing something like this always makes me happy, because it is communication that is crucial to performance. If you say it in a way that deters or shames someone unknowingly, you won’t get the right response. But if you are able to clearly communicate in a way that appeals to their more primal side, you usually see an uptick in effort but also a great explosion because that effort is not well-practiced or developed. All of the above is useful. It sucks to be the weak link but in a more positive light, it means you have the most to learn.


Teams of 4

Game One

15min AMRAP

200x wallballs*

Max cals on ski erg in the remaining time*

  • *each transition costs 10x push ups for each player

Rest 2min

Game Two

15min AMRAP

100x Body Over Bar @ 48”

Max KB clean and Jerk @ 2x12/20kg*

  • *each transition starts an accumulation of body over box with each player starting at 1x rep and going up 1x rep each time

Rest 2min

Game Three

Max Team Dead Hang

One player hanging at a time till failure. The next player must be hanging from the bar before the other player drops. Failure to do so is a team 10x burpee penalty. Each player only gets one attempt.


Tom/Devon/James/Trevor: 246 cal/ 168 reps 7:29 hang

Lucas/Clem/Sam/Aaron: 217 cals/ 189x reps/ 7:16 hang

Erin/Erin/Bailey/Rachel: 147cal/ 163 reps/ 6:31 hang


040 : 008 Hypertrophy


040 : 006 Swole (shoulders)