One of my clients is recovering from an ACL surgery, we wanted to play with something a little grindy but still a little “fun”, we also had a girl with a fractured elbow who did essentially an inverted version, and everyone got what they needed.


1-5 pushup ring

5-1 pushup ring

(squat/squat hold works fine too)


bent row + curl/cheat curl + push press every :90 seconds, arms only air dyne during remaining time

add 1 rep to each movement of the complex each round

20 rounds

**legs only option**

squat + lunge each leg every :90 seconds, c2 bike during remaining time

add 1 rep to each movement of the complex each round (2x squats plus 2x lunges each side, etc)


for the pushup ring, everyone front planks and then one person at a time excites their pushups so plank while everyone else works. if you are alone, you can just use a set number of seconds to increase by each time (3-10 seconds additional hold each time)

for the work, start a repeating :90 second timer, execute 1x bent row + 1x curl + 1x push press, then hop on the bike and work arms only. when the timer beeps, 2x bent row + 2x curl + 2x push press and back on the bike. the goal is max calories in 20 rounds. i have also played with hitting a set number of calories (bodyweight was a bit aggressive, 100 calories might be right for some players depending on DB weight, half bodyweight with light weights might be too fast for some, but worth exploring) we also played with going until failure. as many rounds as possible until you can no longer get the reps done in 90 seconds… this one is interesting because there are multiple rounds when you cant really get another calorie, but you can do another round – it really pushes some peoples “what is the point?” buttons, which is a fun thing to see, and a useful thing to explore. 


040 : 003 Complexus VIII


040 : 001 Aerobic + Sustain