039 : 028 FYF

Get warm:

4x30/30 Rebound/3rd world squat

Then get warmer

1-10 Baphomet Press

1x Body over Box between


In teams of 2

Cash in

Death By 10m shuttle run*

teammates can strategically approach this and break each required minute up however they see fit.

*The penalty for not getting through at least 15 rounds is 100x burpees shared as a team before you start the next section. The penalty for getting less than 20 but more than 15 is 50x burpees shared as a team.

Right into:

2km Ski every transition 1x Body over Box, add 1x rep each transition

2km Row every transition 1x Body Over Bar, add 1x rep each transition

4km Bike Erg every transition 1x Devil’s Press, add 1x rep each transition


After the general warm-up, in teams of two, players will start the partner Death By 10m shuttle. Players can split work as they see fit but must tag each other during switches. If the players complete round 20, they may move directly into the partner triathlon. If they get 15 or less rounds, they will complete 100x burpees as a team before moving on. If they finish between 16-19 rounds, they will start on 50x burpees before moving on.

During the triathlon, players may switch as often as they like, but each player must do a rep of switch penalty each time, and add a rep each time. The reps restart with each machine. Players do not need to complete penalties between machines.


Derek and Trevor: 42’27”

TMB and D Dawg: 42’47”


040 : 001 Aerobic + Sustain


039 : 027 capacity