039 : 022 Capacity + choose your own adventure

40-Minute EMOM

Movements in no particular order:
    - Burpee Tuck Jump over Box
    - Calories on a Machine 
    - Some sort of Carry (farmers, suitcase, bear hug, etc…)
    - Lower or Upper body weighted movement 
    - Rest 

Step 1 = Organize the session in a way that is challenging for you while trying to integrate concepts you’ve learned through your participation in the Space Program. Think about the sensation/feeling you’re after during this workout. 

Step 2 = Complete the session, and make adjustments IF needed as you go through it. Don’t allow this to be an excuse to make a hard workout easier, BUT if you choose a load, rep range or movement that needs to be adjusted for quality control, do so.

Step 3 = Reflect on the session, and improvements you could’ve made (if any) to how the session was set up. Did the sensation you were going for get met? Too hard or easy? Why? How could it have been better? Etc…


039 : 023 Complexus VII


039 : 021 FYF