039 : 010 Progressive Aerobic

We did a similar piece a few weeks back where the order was not inverted. Many of us noticed the desire to “race” since the descending format felt like a capacity piece, so the urge to pick up the pace as calories and meters decreased was something many of wanted to sprint. The following session inverts the meters so one part of the workout decreases and the other increases which felt to me at least like that urge to sprint wasn’t as prevalent. 

On a 90-minute Clock

5-minutes of rebounding directly into…

100-10 descending by 10’s
Calorie Machine
100m-1000m ascending by 100m
Run or Machine (different from the calories)

When the clock begins the workout starts with five continuous minutes of rebounding. At the five minute mark you’ll begin in on your 100 calorie effort. Upon completion of that you will start your 100m run or machine (I chose ski erg). Rotate back and forth between your calorie effort and your meter effort until time expires or if you complete the ladder before the 90-minute mark reverse direction and go back up the “ladder” until time runs out. 

100 cal machine + 100m run/machine
90 cal machine + 200m run/machine
10 cal machine + 1000m run/machine
*if you have time to reverse direction, do NOT repeat the 10cal/1000m, go right back up the ladder starting with 20cal/900m and so on. 


039 : 011 Strength (hips)


039 : 009 Progressive Aerobic VII